Tuesday, 19 November 2013

X-clamp-Fix in only 4 Minutes by www.x-clamp-fix.com

The Videos shows how to install our ultimate X-Clamp-Fix Kit fixing the Xbox 360 Ring-of-Death in just 4 Minutes. It`s well declared with under titles.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

This video will help you fix the 3 red lights of death on your Xbox 360.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. lol!! This can run 1 month ,not longer! .... xclapm are an instalation on
    springs...heated cpu or gpu can taking biger and that fix could destroy
    your xbox. very well work!! M$ should thank you for this but the only way
    after that fix is buy new xbox ;) yep! the solders between cpu could cut
    away and theres now way to repair.

  2. if i leave my 2 XX will that be ok

  3. can u re-use the thermal paste thats spread around the GPU/CPU? i cant find
    one here in the Philippines. also are there any alternatives to this? help
    would be much appreciated.

  4. @masterprogram they're not really flexible. you can bend them with enough
    force, but theyre not meant to be flexible. they are exactly whats shown in
    the vid... small white washers. they are nylon, but do look and feel like
    plastic. click that link for my updated vid. i go over the parts used much
    better than i did in this vid.

  5. @smschulte1 What you need to do is over heat the GPU so that it get's a
    better connection to the board. Take the white plastic cover out and place
    the fan on top the CPU heatsink (the tall heatsink). Leave it on for about
    10-15 minutes then turn it off and let it cool and put everything back in

  6. @taj4l Reason why its doing that is probably because you did this when the
    only problem was the AV cable.

  7. i dont have any red lights or anything....but one day i got the "E 74
    Error"...turned it off then on...and it works...BUT it has a graphics
    problem, and everything is blurry and messed up!! whats wrong with it?
    Cheers, Chris

  8. What did u put on the bolts

  9. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I managed to successfully fix my brother's broken Xbox
    360 with this (along with the penny trick from another video, I'm not sure
    which one did the trick, but I'll assume both). Never thought that piece of
    junk would ever work again but it did. Thanks again :)

  10. @ryafbr , you need to make sure you followed the video , if instant over
    heat the heat paste didn't take , you have to put the paste down tighten
    the screws and when you turn it on with the fan unplugged , you have to
    feel the heat thru the heat sinks , if you don't feel any heat transfering
    thru either the bolts are loose , or the paste wasn't done right .

  11. The tutorial in this video isn't a permanent or guaranteed fix. Nothing is.
    The sad truth is that any electrical device can break down. 360 console
    just had a faulty design that they couldn't see coming. Lots of products
    were notorious for breaking down and even killing people. You can't blame
    M$. It is their fault but with the extended warranties, I think they
    handled it fairly well.

  12. 4 rings mean there is a problem with your A/V connecters or A/V port on
    your console see xbox.com for more information

  13. For all those leaving negative comments saying this doesn't work, let me
    clear something up. This mod replaces the cheap flimsy x-clamps giving
    better heatsink contact and less chances of warping from heat. If you
    already have a video issue this doesn't always work, that is caused by
    weakening of the solder and warping from overheating. You need to reflow
    all the solder joints, then do this mod and add better/more cooling to
    prevent overheating and possible hardware failure.

  14. This is for people who don't have a warranty anymore and don't want to
    shell out the 100 bucks to get it fixed.

  15. @verefiedxL it does and depending on how well you do it depends on how long
    it will last.

  16. @erkb96 ya i already loosened and tightened the bolts many times, theres
    nothing i can do to fix it now is there?

  17. I keep getting an over heating error now. Any help?

  18. Victor King Wilson20 November 2013 at 02:30

    @StateCCM Wow, This is the BEST YOUTUBE COMMENT EVER! Congrats bro! ;)

  19. ive seen people do the bolts the other way

  20. I had e74 error and did what you said and now I have 2 red lights. What
    should I do?

  21. @RobbieHct yeah learned that the hard way. my xbox overheats in 30mins. i
    found some thermal paste but dont have a xclamp kit. any advice?

  22. This fix worked, I just did my Xbox. How long does this fix last?

  23. @verefiedxL Did you even try this? Nothing is ever guaranteed, but it has
    worked for many people.

  24. JG Veiwing channel20 November 2013 at 05:38

    um instead of using a toothpick try an alchahol wipe much more efficient
    and a lot quicker
