Tuesday, 19 November 2013

THE BIG FIX - BP Oil Spill Cover-up - SHOCKING Interview by Ken Spector

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Big PS4 Game Reveals & Win a PS4 Game!- IGN Daily Fix 11.15.13
It's PS4 Launch Day! PS4's are crashing due to huge volume log-ins & huge game announcements. Plus, Microsoft is exploring free-to-play & Xbox One free games...
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. Oregon Electric Vehicle Association19 November 2013 at 16:10

    video: Interview The Big Fix, the BP Oil Spill is not over

  2. The Big Fix ... This is about a film which is coming out,
    runs 25 mins or so..
    How BP (and our gov) have covered up the truth about just how well the oil
    was really 'cleaned up.' And yes; it is a shocking interview!!
    I happened to see a share on G+ (can't now remember who shared!) about
    this film and what it's about... These are the film makers and they are
    talking about why they decided to make the film, etc..

  3. I'm furious that no theater in Northern California is showing this film.
    How do we change that?

  4. So what we're understanding is that BP in order to repress public knowledge
    of its egregious lack of oversight -- and in an ongoing attempt to sidestep
    responsibility for the enormous amounts of oil leaking out of their well,
    they spray toxic chemicals. ONGOING! After killing all the fish, they are
    now exposing Gulf residents to a continuous bath of extremely toxic
    chemicals and jeopardizing human life. BP is Beyond Contempt. Put this
    company out of business.

  5. Fantastic interview.

  6. And we wonder why cancer and deformed children are here,here's your
    reason,money and greed lets not forget a corrupt gov.but hey who's gov.

  7. @GuerreraZorra Right now the best place to check out what's happening with
    this film and where it is being shown is to go to their website, which is
    listed in the video - as I write this, they are about have the NYC premiere
    in a few days.

  8. Why do you have to make this about race? Poison is poison no matter the
    color of your skin.

  9. this is totally insane! when this first happened and they decided to use
    corexit the government and regulatory agency's involved should've at that
    point kicked BP off the scene and got the army/coastguard whatever agency
    needed in to deal with it, instead with there blessing BP sprays this shit
    whilst most the media blindly (as always) spouts the press releases from
    BP, once again corporations rule the day, thank god for people making there
    own media!

  10. Corexit's the kind of poison and the gulf spill is the kind of event that
    you would find in a George Romeo Zombie movie.

  11. IronRangeSurvival19 November 2013 at 22:03

    The only way this info gets out is if people lose money providing it. I
    would never have see GASLAND if not for it being loading onto streaming
    sites, that would never get the maker paid.

  12. My favorite memory was when the Nintendo 64 first came out I was geeked
    until I went to my friends house & seen the graphics on Final Fantasy. That
    was the end of my Donky Kong hrs of game play.

  13. Gotta love that PS Plus was able to give free games at launch but Xbox
    refuses to give free games EVERY MONTH* until starting in 2014? How about
    at launch? oh well, I think I am canceling my preorder anyways.

  14. Ahhh what a nice day today... PS4 made a million dollars on it's lauch date
    that's great news for Sony that I'm happy about. And now this week starts
    the Xbox One week brace yourselves for angry fanboys ladies and gentlemen
    it won't be easy! but don't worry PS4 launches in Europe this week as well.

  15. my favorite playstation memory had to been Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City
    and as well as Scarface and WWE. those were the first games i played on
    playstation when i bought it and were EPIC moments.

  16. My favorite PlayStation Memory aside from the unforgettable towers rising
    on the PS2, was probably playing Grand Turismo with three of my closest
    friends taking turns doing endurance races, i swear it felt like Le Mans in
    the living room

  17. My favorite playstation memory was when I bought the ps2 and played TMNT
    because it was the first game I ever played and the first console I had
    bought those were great days I tell you greaT days!

  18. I remember going to the midnight release of Beyond Two Souls recently and
    waiting in line for 5 hours! I have to say, it was definitely worth it!!!

  19. My favorite memory was when I picked up the controller and got to take down
    that flying colossus in the dessert by jumping off your horse and taking
    that thing for a ride around the map

  20. My favourtie memory, my ad took me to a store qhere hebhad ordered me a Ps1
    and didn't tell me. Best part was the store had a special deal that he got
    for me. Buy a ps1 and you get your own choice of 5 games free. I was in my
    element, My dad was yhe hero to my nerdness. I got it frin gamleys town in
    Kinngston upon thames before the store coosed down. BEST BDAY PRESENT EVER

  21. best memory is probz on tomb raider running around in the mantion then the
    creepy buttler would follow u and it used to scear me cuz the rattling
    noise haha u had to lock him in the freezer do some crazy jumping to get
    out lol

  22. My favorite memory is when Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time came out on N64.
    My gaming career began that day. I thought I would beat it once and leave
    it, but no I beat it many times. The journey on that game was amazing!!!!!!!

  23. When i was 6, i've played crash bandicoot for the first time with my best
    little friend, now you have to know that in crash bandicoot, there is a
    moving ground that brings you to higher ground, i am sure that IGN knows
    what i mean. So my friend and i were trying to get on that moving ground
    but it never worked. We decided to do it once more. And it worked! I can
    tell you, as little children from 6 years old, it feels awesome to succeed
    in something you never believed in that it would work. I think there can be
    no better moment than when you have satisfaction as 6-years old kid.

  24. My favorite Playstation moment was when I had me and my girlfriend was
    camping for hours out as Best Buy at the Playstation 2 launch. And once we
    got that console, we was amazed how good it was, with all the other games
    that came out after. Best console back then and it's still one of my
    favorite. All that waiting paid off.

  25. Hooking the video cable from the origional playstation and the audio cable
    from my cassett player up to the VCR and recording a video of the
    controllable T-Rex on the demo disc (oh, the crazy black discs!), with the
    T-Rex singing Marilyn Manson's "The Beautiful People"

  26. I remeber playing Crash Bandicoot on my old Playstation, was like 8 years
    old, and that game is not a easy game, I played it every single day, but
    never got past the first level, it was so crazy..

  27. My Favourite memory was when i was buying my PS2 , my dad asked me if i
    needed a memory card and i had no idea what the memory card did ! so i said
    to him ," naa, i dont think ill be needing that ! " I bought god of war as
    my first ps2 game because i liked the cover ( i was such a dummy ) and just
    try completing god of war without being able to save LOL ! i had to start
    from the beginning whenever i closed, played through all the frustration on
    the pandora challenges and hades ! felt so accomplished when i finally
    finished the game ! i cried ! lol !! ;D

  28. My first memory Playstation One was of Metal Gear Solid as my cousin showed
    my brother and I a Blood & Gore sequence at my grandmother's house. The
    Sony systems I am able to obtain easier happens to be the portable versions
    they have now.

  29. As a little kid I saw my dad playing on his playstation. When he let my try
    it the first game I played was rayman. I didnt know what the hell I wass
    doing but it was funny. The next year my bought me a playsation for myself.
    I was up all night playing all kinds of games and imaginet that I was a
    character in games like Final Fantasy or Rayman. Then when I was older I
    realised that ther where other games to play. Like:modern warfare and
    battlefield. Even until today I prefere the playstation and all his games
    and I would like to thank Sony for the best times of my childhood.

    Thank you everyone who made a game that maked my smile.

  30. Ashley Ross Ropaie20 November 2013 at 10:41

    WOW haha, I got a PS 1 for doing well in primary school, first game i loved
    at the times was Hot Wheels haha. As a kid playing with the few car's i had
    at the time, then playing this game that i small cars of, it was awesome. i
    always use the car i had as a toy even thought it was not the best car in
    the game. PS I wont be buying a ps4 anytime soon here, just thought i share

  31. I remember it as if it were yesterday, my mom is single so she has not a
    lot of money, and i have other siblings, she knew i always wanted a new
    console but didn't have the means to buy me one, one day she ran into some
    money and decided for a chirsmas present she'd buy me a ps3. it was the day
    of my life and i enjoyed my playstation 3 and still do .

  32. playing resident evil 2 with my brothers when it first came out until
    school started in the morning and being scared shitless even tho now that i
    play it its not even half as scary as i remember, lol. o and my mom coming
    in and telling us to go to sleep, then us waking up and playing like 3
    times in a row, lol.

  33. My favorite PlayStation memory was the midnight launch 4 ps4, when waiting
    in line for 7 hours, me and the other Sony fanatics talked about our first
    consoles of which were mostly Ps2's. When midnight hit I was first to walk
    out with a Ps4 (without a pre-order!) Everyone cheered as I walked out the
    door, the store manager shouting, "first person to walk out with a Ps4!"
    That was an amazing moment, an amazing feeling... getting my Ps4 and
    feeling the Sony love :-D

  34. My favorite playstation memory is when I got the ps3 on the first day and
    Played uncharted for the first time and I felt au some playing it! Ps4 game
    that I wish to have is kill zone shadow fall but I need to buy a ps4 firsts

  35. michael ihekwoaba20 November 2013 at 12:54

    My favorite Playstation memory was when I got my first game for the ps2
    which was kingdom hearts. I loved playing that game it was like I was in a
    whole new world ;thanks to Sony they made that memory unforgettable.thank
    you sony :)

  36. my favorite memory from ps3 was the ending of infamous 1 when kessler
    reveals that he traveled back in time to change the future so that Cole can
    defeat the beast that he wasn't strong enough to fight.
