Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Ask the Expert: How to fix Christmas light sets that don't work

Ask the Expert: Brian Gleason of Light Keeper Pro explains how to solve that age-old problem where half the lights don't work from one Christmas season to th...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Christmas Light Repair Tool Review/Demo, Light Keeper Pro
I just purchased the Light Keeper Pro tool and fixed several sections of burnt out bulbs in a large Christmas wreath. My previous method of trying to fix Chr...
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. because of the electrical pulses from the lightkeeper +panic mike

  2. I have this at home. Saved my parents from buying a new light set!! :)

  3. A Marriage Saver? I guess. that's a little extreme flattery!

  4. the lights were not working coz of one bolb right? then why sudely they
    work without changing the bad bolb? sorry for the bad egleesh..

  5. Marraige saver lol wow very extreme

  6. oh gosh, i think it'be cheaper to just get a new set! how much is this?
    great idea thou

  7. You can get these at a good price at the ChristmasLightStore-dot-com

  8. An effective tool such as the light keeper pro tool is helpful. However
    using the tool to fix the burnt out bulbs might be a trouble for those who
    are using the tools for the first time. Keeping your security in view, it
    is always better to ask for the help of a professional. Check out
    Gottashopit to get reliable pros at affordable ranges.
