Tuesday, 19 November 2013

OzRoamerTV U Fix It Tyre Wrench Review

We review the UFixit Tyre wrench. This simple tool allows people from all ages and strength to loosen wheel nuts with minimum fuss. The UFixit tyre wrench ha...
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Wii U Wi-Fi issue and How To Fix It
For more tech, head to http://www.redgamingtech.com Having trouble getting online with your Wii U? So did Spoonykipper, but he has found out what you need to...
Video Rating: 3 / 5


  1. christodulos nisbett19 November 2013 at 17:16

    i need help

  2. He means check the internet IP. Don't know about the +10 though.

  3. I got a wii u yesterday and found and tried this method still doesn't work.

  4. Mine randomly shut down I didn't unplug anything

  5. nope doesnt work tried it and double cheaked

  6. Always do this but wont connect to internet any ides?

  7. hey man send aa shout out for some that dident work tio enable the wps
    thing in your modem router or gate way a choice under ur network name ;D

  8. i got error code 103-1001 any help on this?

  9. @ pianototo40 I can't seem to connect with auto so I had to do this way.
    Granted even after connecting this my system won't install the update....

  10. xXExplodingNachosXx19 November 2013 at 21:11

    THANKs bro i got my wii u to connect the first time itryed this

  11. what the hell does step 14 mean? check that it is the internet ip + 10?

  12. my wii u is on the addic and the router is downstairs i cant connect on the
    addic while wii 1 always connected emediatly my phone my 2x 3ds 1x dsi xl
    my 3 iphones and so many more phones of friends all work on the addic here
    but if i get a new game to just update the system i have to move my wii u
    downstaris and use the game pad to connect in so called range bullcrap
    range its freakin irritating and really needs to be fixed by nintendo
    instead of me moving that thing around weekly

  13. when i tried to enter the ip adress it doesnt let me :/ it says the addres
    u enter is incorrect but its the exact same ip adrres in my config thing!!!
    bi also made it so my wii u can bypass wall trafic or something X( but
    still my wii u chat only works just with one guy X(

  14. I got error code: 108-0144 is there any way of fixing this?

  15. Like farico said (many times) thanks! I was worried that I would have to
    send in my Wii U, but thank you for not allowing this! This took about 20
    minutes, mainly because my computer doesn't open ipconfig! Thanks so much!

  16. It worked for me, but I have noticed that my internet speed is very slow,
    in fact I have two configurations: automatic and manual settings, The
    automatic is very very fast, automatic slow as turtle.

  17. THANK YOU! this was a REALY BIG HELP!

  18. thank you so much bro relly help me

  19. TheOfficial-LIL'DEAD,CUTIE20 November 2013 at 02:35

    I have a back-up! Hopefully coz i have 2 houses I can go to my Dad's house
    and connect to there internet and hopefully everything will e fine :)

  20. thanks man same trouble here in Ireland ,it worked for me thanks again

  21. Thanks this helped, i still get booted off from time to time but it
    definitely stays connected longer than it was before

  22. thank you guys oh i could kiss you right now

  23. ChaingunmasterXXXX20 November 2013 at 05:11

    I love you long story short THANK YOU :D
