Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Lower Back Pain Exercises from Physical Therapy and Injury Rehab to Stop low Back Pain

Buy this DVD or INSTANT VIDEO DOWNLOAD at BackandHipRelief.com I personally Guarantee that my DVD, Healthy Lower Back Secrets will put an End to your Lower B...
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. i was at the gym im 16 i think my squat form was wrong , i was fine at the
    gym after squatting then i went home the next day my lower right back was
    hurting when i bend over , or even look down , id say the pain is 6/10 or
    5/10 , its annoying because i cant do abs because it hurts , what should i

  2. Back Pain Solutions19 November 2013 at 17:02

    Will recommend your DVD David

  3. I keep this spam up here to show people that it's hard to find a real
    program with real people offering something of actual value. My video clip
    above is the real deal. It's at WhiteTigerWellness.

  4. Spend from 30-90 seconds on each move - the reps will very depending on
    your speed.

  5. you never mention how many reps you should do with each exercise

  6. My disc L1 S5 having coating and I have done MRI that showing coating
    doctor give me suggestion for surgery that is right for do

  7. omg how do i do this i bet its hard can u do it easier for me beacuase i
    have serious bad back pain and it hurts sooo badly its sore in stuff and On
    the bottom and top on my back hurts sooo bad

  8. LOL you can get my previous DVD on ebay I would think. You'll get the
    spandex but not the shirtless part.

  9. I had back surgery 11 months ago and these exercises helps me a lot. Thanks.

  10. It would be a shame for you not to bulk up when normal people accomplish it
    so easily with Atomic Max Muscle (go Google it).

  11. David, I wonder if these tips will help someone like me who has a lower
    spine problem. I have pain due to my lower spine being a little out of
    alignment, etc. I cannot afford a serious adjustment, and other treatments
    and I am attempting to get some relief by various stretches and core
    movements. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks.

  12. thankyou for this

  13. Is this technique used to treat lower back pain by itself? Or is it for
    actually treating the problem to it's core? [example: L5 herniated disc]

  14. Bahahaha, that was the best. Thank you for the video post.

  15. David your logo design is Awesome, really good... anyway, I have been in PT
    for Spinal Osteoarthritis/disk compression/soft tissue damage now 3 months
    with ultra sound, traction and massage 2-3 times a week, and just relapsed.
    I was 85% cured and it's very depressing to start over and be in such pain
    again. My PT guy showed me the "cat" movement exercies ur doing here and
    just I stated that. Plus I will be trying some water exercises, thanks for
    the video, Paul

  16. I had a back injury for a long time. It was horrible as I couldn't sleep
    very well and always had to suffer from a pain.

  17. If you made a version of this video shirtless and in tight spandex shorts
    or less, I would definitely purchase it sir. You have an amazing body.
    Especially your legs and hips.

  18. Have you seen "Max Muscle Extend?" (do a Google search for it) It is a
    quick way to bulk up fast.

  19. Im 16 years old and i have lower back spine pain can it be Sirius?

  20. IT works JESUS is alive..oh shit no actually it didnt

  21. If you want to burn fat, you should look up on google Fat Blast Furnace.
    You are bound to get the body you deserve.

  22. secrets which are simple techniques.. divided into phases... lol :-D but
    still nice

  23. I think Sirius is a star but it could be serious so go to a doctor.
