Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Lazy eye.

What people call "lazy eye" is not always the same. Here are three forms of lazy eye that you might recognize.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

I do not recommend any specific product for treatment. Have adult amblyopia, strabismus, or both? Watch my video for a new research technique to help improve...
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. I'm 16 and right eye is kinda lazy it points kinda upward it's kinda
    noticeable can u please help me out because I think it's getting worse and
    FYI I stare at my computer screen for a long time daily ......... if I need
    glasses then what kind should they be , do they need to have special lens
    or can I just buy a $10 transparent glass and wear it to recover my lazy

  2. Hello. I was recently diagnosed with optic neuritis. I was wondering if
    having a lazy I could be a cause of what I have been diagnosed with. I have
    never had to leave your wandering eye before but now my left eye just seems
    to drift off and stay that way both of my eyes moving the same way once I
    tried to move them and I have tried exercises but nothing has seemed to
    help do you have any answers for me

  3. When I cover up my left eye everything my right eye sees is blurry and

  4. When i cover UP my right eye my left One , when i LOOK a Long Way isnt as
    fucust as the OTHER One ABOUT from 10 Meters Swayze IT gets unfocust i can
    still see WHAT Objekts ARE but its a Bit unfocust

  5. heyy. i have a question. my right just got smaller then the other. i dont
    have a lazy eye but i had a cold last week and since then my right eye has
    gotten smaller, can you please tell wht i should do ? im stressing alot :/
    pleaseee helpppp

  6. either one of my eyes can go lazy eye and i can control them at times too.
    when i zone out one of my eyes turns outward and i really have a tough time
    paying attention in school. i also have been wearing glasses since 3rd
    grade it scares me though if it becomes a problem i would have to get

  7. im 34 and i still have lazy eye, i cant count the number of faces ive
    smashed that made smart comments, and sometimes when i look at my bad eye
    in the mirror i wish i was dead

  8. I didn't know Mr.Clean was an optometrist. :)

  9. i also have 20/20 vision in my good eye but 20/200 in my lazy eye dilated.
    i wear contacts and have +0.75 in my left and +3.75 in my right. do you
    find your eyes get tired easily too? i was born early and this is possibly
    what contributed to my lazy eye. were you also born early? my mom has this
    condition but hers is worse she is farsighted in one eye and nearsighted in
    the other eye. not sure which.

  10. Brenda Beauregard-Alvarez19 November 2013 at 22:24

    I have a 4 month old baby that might have a lazy eye, is there something
    that I can do to confirm this or do I have to take him to the doctor. His
    next doctor's appointment is in 2 months. Thx

  11. too late for me????i just want a cure

  12. Hello I'm Shane I have had a lazy eye since I can remember when I was
    around 6 I wore a patch and glasses and at 10 I had surgery to straighten
    my right eye but now I am 16 and it has come back. Is there anything I can
    do? Please pm me thanks a lot Shane

  13. @skylet07 Very good question. This gets into the details of amblyopia and
    strabismus. The most important thing to do is find out why the right eye
    turns in. It just might be because the eyes are trying very hard to focus,
    thus causing the eye to turn in a little(the two actions are connected). If
    that is the case, appropriate reading glasses would do wonders. I see that
    in college age people all the time. Amblyopia is the inability of the brain
    to distinguish small detail.

  14. When I was younger on my pictures my eyes were normal, then in my teens I
    notice that the lid on my left eye was getting lower. I needed glasses as
    well because I could not see the blackboard anymore in High School, but
    would not wear them. When I reached my 30s I notice people would stare at
    me, I then notice I looked like I had one big eye and one little eye and
    wore contacts. I am in my 40s and still have that big eye/little eye
    problem? what can I do people stare sometimes?

  15. when i was a kid and patched i hated having to look out of my bad eye so i
    would take off my patch. m left eye is now considered blind

  16. my right eye is in the same spot but my left is always instad of being
    stright it goes left ... i can see very good but its weird that one eye is
    looking stright and the other is to the left ... people dont notice unless
    they're staring right into my eye for a long time ..

  17. around i have to close he right eye to see down the scope correctly. And
    when i do so my left eye does not see corectly. And i mean i cant see
    throught half of my left eye.

  18. im 15 and I have lazy eye but my both eyes are always looking in the same
    direction. I found this out when I was 12 and have been wearing glasses
    since. my doctor recommended that I stop wearing my eye patch. in the
    future will my vision with my lazy eye get worse?? and will my eye lid ever
    shut for good?? I am a little worried and plz reply. .

  19. Apparently my lazy eye issue is that I can't look at something with both
    eyes at once but only one eye at the time, and occasionally one moves. But
    unfortunately, it'sone of the reasons I can't drive.

  20. eh i have lazy eye when someone points a finger at me my left eye looks the
    other way

  21. oskiasdisjd[ij

  22. @stevencl17 I wish esotropia was a simple thing. It ranges in complexity
    though and may or may not involve the accommodation (focusing ability of
    the eyes). Sometimes the contacts work as well as glasses and sometimes
    not. Same goes for LASIK. But probably less so for LASIK. When the surgeon
    determines your candidacy, he/she should measure the relationship between
    the accommodation and the turning of the eye. If only one eye turns and it
    is constant, then strabismus surgery might be a good

  23. Thanks for clarification. The problem is that "Lazy Eye" has two meanings:
    1) Eyes that "drift out" - Strabismus 2) Eyes that can not be made clear
    with plus or minus lens - Amblyopia The reasons for these two separate
    effects - have never been made clear - as science.

  24. this vid wont work so who ever sees my message please help me please.... im
    blind in 1 eye and my mom told me theres eye exercises but i cant do it
    cause i cant c in my right im sick of people making fun of me at school i
    cry in the bathroom at school if any 1 can give me some tips i would really
    be happy

  25. O Man Thanks i Wish I Had My Xbox 360 i Would Have Fun DOing This

  26. vitaminsforbreakfast20 November 2013 at 08:17

    I get a bit of blurryness, but not bad.

  27. Omg I Was Just Reading About This Playing Video Games While Patching I
    Started Doing It But It So Hard Im Not Used To Only Seeing With Only One
    Eye...Has This Help Your Eyes From Not Crossing? Plz Help Me

  28. whatisthelongbutton420 November 2013 at 09:14

    what was it like wearing it?

  29. Hey, that's great news, i'm gonna try this myself but I want to ask you how
    long it took you to feel any vision improvement ?

  30. brothersretailers20 November 2013 at 10:31

    I get a headache and feel a lot of strain on the left side of my head
    during this. Is this symptom normal?

  31. That sounds cool if its treatable. Do you have any specific games yo can
    recommend.? Ive noticed too that sometimes it seems to get worse when I'm
    stressed or nervous. Do you ever feel that or is that just me?

  32. vitaminsforbreakfast20 November 2013 at 11:44

    I think so, there is definitely sound to the video.

  33. This video is great, I was just wondering. What is your vision in both eyes
    before and after this therapy?

  34. @asilverscreenromance: I hope your corrective procedure holds for you!
    *hugs* I've had 5 strabismus surgeries. Alas, my eyes never fused despite
    doing all of the exercises as a child.

  35. How long did it take you to start seeing results?

  36. I have both Amblylopia and Strabismus as well. My Strabismus is really bad
    and amblyopia has recently gotten worse. I never wore a patch as a child
    growing up so I ALWAYS got the "What are you looking at" comments all the
    time. Not to mention I had these glasses w/ extra thick lenses my entire
    childhood. When I was about 4 or 5)my grandmother would cover my stronger
    eye and have me to exercise my weaker one. Your video is encouraging! Long
    story short, I just started wearing an eye patch today.

  37. asilverscreenromance20 November 2013 at 14:14

    i was born with neither of my eyes aligned so i don't think that i've ever
    used the patch before. i just had surgery done (like yesterday) on my left
    eye to get it straight as much as it could - it was turned inward and down.
    my right eye is slightly to the left and a little down and my doctor said
    that because that is the eye that i use to see with, she doesn't want to
    risk doing the same surgery and having my vision get worse. lasik wont help
    either. i think this is worth giving it a shot.

  38. Thank you for this, this puts so much into context and some hope for the
    future. Thanks!

  39. Great video. I would also like to know whether or not you're suppose to
    wear your glasses while patching. I read the initial study, but didn't find
    the information in the methodology. Thanks.

  40. vitaminsforbreakfast20 November 2013 at 16:10

    Walmart has them. Put the patch on your good eye.

  41. i have played battlefield 3 a total of 35 hours on my bad eye and I must
    say the results are incredible ;) i play 2 hours everyday and every week i
    feel a improvement. I can read subtitles on tv and read books :D my goal is
    to get 20/25, Before i started patching I had 20/100, a month ago my vision
    was almost 20/50 and My vision has improved very fast since the test I'm
    going test my acuity tomorrow wish me luck ;) i have patched alot without
    playing aproximately 250 hours !

  42. vitaminsforbreakfast20 November 2013 at 17:02

    I'm doing the second part this summer. I did it for 3 hours a day, but the
    standard procedure is one hour a day for 50 hours.

  43. Thanks for posting this. I've got the same problem, and before seeing this
    video, came to the conclusion that playing fast-paced arcade-style games
    with an eye-patch would be my best bet for healing/reversing the condition.
    Now I'm definitely going to pursue that self-treatment. I also have a
    theory that puts patching-while-running/jogging as the next best thing...
    but I've never heard of a study suggesting anything similar to back me up.
    Anyways, thanks again.

  44. ControllerRequired20 November 2013 at 17:40

    I'm 32 and have amblyopia. But also my right eye, which is the affected
    one, has very blurry vision. The doctors I went to never figured out or
    told me what was going on or what I could do. I got 2 different glasses in
    the last 20 years and never was able to see as clear with my right eye as I
    do with my left eye. So, if I try and patch my left eye, I will not be able
    to read very well. So, I ask myself: will it get better when I go on with
    patching or will it stay blurry?

  45. Thanks for this post! Hope I understood well, I have to patch my eye as
    much i can, and to play video game? You gave me hope! Thanks a million.
    Hope we'll all hear from you gain.. im so curious how that study goes...

  46. I have amblyopia on my right eye. Used patches when i was a kid, but i kept
    taking it off cause i didnt see anything, so i stopped. I have never had
    problems with 3D imaging. I really get the effect when watching 3D movies
    at the cinema. Ive never heard of video gaming improving the vision.
    Luckily for me because i play video games alot.

  47. Hi! When you patch your eye and play video games do you patch your eye do
    you wear your prescription glasses or just patch it without the glasses and
    play the video games. Please text me at darrenliewweiyao@gmail.com. Thanks!

  48. This may sound like a dumb question but assume you put the patch on your
    strong eye so your weak eye gets stronger? When I do this I get what I call
    TV eyes and it hurts a little bit. How long should I keep it up in one
    sitting? Also, I have had strabismus surgery once and am considering doing
    it again. What are your feelings on the surgery?

  49. rockothewallaby10020 November 2013 at 19:23

    @vitaminsforbreakfast Hi! How long was the experiment and how much time
    daily you spent on it? When will be 2nd part?
