Tuesday, 19 November 2013

How to Fix Lower Back Pain (Overcome Herniated, Bulging and Desiccated Discs)

This is my story on how I overcame the pain of two herniated and one desiccated disc in my lower lumbar region (spine). After being diagnosed via MRI, and vi...
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. Sound Advice, in my opinion.

  2. Thank you, for the information. I wish there will be more videos out there
    for us lower back suffers. I can absolutely relate to your story and had to
    go lots of doctors until finally one ordered me a MRI. I was in so much
    pain I thought I was dying. Those doctors advice of not moving made my body
    to start shifting and made my back worsen. Doctors don't know everything
    cause they haven't been through it. Thanks again for your advice and

  3. Great story man. Your herniated disc had a predetermined healing time the
    weeks or months prior to it herniating. Any exercises you do to speed
    recovery will only affect the length of time before it will herniate again
    after it has been healed. Average recovery time for true herniations is
    around 5 months.

  4. A couple of things: 1. Isn't prolonged use of ibuprofen directly related to
    some liver and kidney failure? 2. I like many of your solutions, such as
    stretching. But it sounds like your back will never be the same. You refer
    to yourself as "cured" yet you're dependent on ibuprofen, ice packs, etc. I
    understand you've formulated a way to "work around" back pain which I
    suppose was the best you could do, given your injury? I'm 21, herniated
    disc.I need a solution to make me completely unhibited

  5. thanks for this video, been suffering almost 6 weeks now and due to endure
    another 6 weeks before my physio referral from the doctors (total 10 week
    waiting list) can be attended, my life is hell at the moment - you have
    given me hope again...

  6. Hi I am a 53 year old woman who has been dealing with a bulging disc since
    June. Thank you for the video it has explained all I have been saying. I
    work in the medical field so I have been very discouraged. I am a runner
    and have been told my running days are over. Do you have any advice for me
    a 53 year old woman who loves exercising and has been bed ridden for 3
    months. I need to get up. if possible can you email me I can send you an
    email but don't want to put mine out publicly. thanks

  7. SeouLifts i am kamal from the india you have share experience but you have
    not shown poses how you actually did to cure yourself so Mr. i request to
    you to share the video poses which had helped you in your painful past sir,
    your poses may help me and other so sir please show the poses

  8. It's all about PT. It's the only way. I agree with that. The only thing i
    don't agree with is the ICE. The ice may have been slowing you down with
    your recovery. Bottom line-heat will improve blood flow to areas that
    require healing.

  9. DONT exercise DONTmove . This f....ing words and advises from doctors
    DESTROY my life. i have this problem when i was 23 and now i be 29 and i
    canot doing NOTHING. i am on the bed with pills gels and heat. i have 2
    herniated disc on 04-05 05-I1. I amwatching your video and i bealive i have
    hope to take my life back...but i am afraid very much to go out for this
    F....ING situation!

  10. when you say "bouncing on a Swiss ball", do you mean just sitting on it as
    you would on a chair?

  11. Skip to 16:30 for what he did to get better, before that he just talks
    about things that didn't work

  12. hey thank you it is very helpfull information, my question is should i use
    belt while doing this light deadlifts. Im really confused because belt
    helps with pain but im not sure if i am strengthing my lower back wearing

  13. can i start gyming and do body building after slipped is healed????? i am
    worried cuz i really want to build my body, bt i had slipped disc problem,
    some people suggest me, with bodybuilding, sciatica can happen again. is
    that true??? please suggest me

  14. How about a corner of a bed, is that close to the same thing

  15. Man!!!!!! What I really wanna do is to talk to you right now, after 20:20 -
    Swiss ball is what I'm doing right now. It works magic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Once again, It's funny but not funny. The same thing in the Russian
    Federation (a lot of cowboys who are making money on your pain) I have
    tried bees, hirudotherapy, acupuncture etc.

  17. Thank you! It is very inspiring! For almost 2 years I've got two large
    protrusions (one is about 7 mm L5-S1 and second is about 5 mm L4-L5) and
    one central protrusion L3-L4 (2,5 mm in size). And for the first year of
    medical treatment I had stopped doing any exercise and had started to wear
    lumbar brace (lumbar corset). At first I felt good but after 3 month of
    regular wearing lumbar corset I found myself weak and in my lower back I
    started to feel paralyzed pain.

  18. Now I am struggling with the back pain by regular excercise and I feel more
    comfortable. P.S. Muscle Relaxants is the hell of the drug! To tell the
    truth I had to found this video more early to prevent myself from mistakes
    that I've done. THANKS!

  19. this is so cool! Hi im South Korean and i recently got a minor operation
    done for my herniated disc and i feel like it hasn't done much or quite
    honestly made my back pain worse than before. The doctors told me to not to
    do anything but just lie down for awhile. Im only 17 and hopefully this
    video will help meout! thanks for the video

  20. Hey Steve, thanks for the video. I just started having lower back pain and
    my dr. directly sent me to have an MRI on the first visit. After looking at
    my MRI, dr. says I have a mild herniated disk.. he sent me to physical
    therapy (ice and exercise). How was your fitness level before you started
    having lower back pain? I just want to know where you were before.. how
    strong your muscles were before you had pain and at what level I need to be
    before I can graduate to as strong of exercises as you.

  21. Thanks so much

  22. Your video is a wonderful dose of empathy towards the pain and frustration
    of dealing with others and their advice. Glad I'm not the only one that
    feels like I'm not getting helped, but continue to shell out money. I did
    yoga yesterday and was more sore that day and into the evening. I iced,
    which I do all the time, and the next day it felt as if I may have found
    something that helps. Your suggestion of strengthening the area is perfect.

  23. Im going to try this--I hurt my back while I was working out and got
    sciatica down one leg. I am scheduled to see a neurosurgeon and really want
    to heal naturally.

  24. Things that is helping me: Supplements that are not harmful 1. FIsh oil :
    Contains Omega - 3. 2. Glucosamine Supplement 3. Calcium + Vit D: As I have
    spondolosis as well. Exercises I do: 1. Physio-therapy recommended by
    doctors. 2. Yoga (Only deep-breathing ones) 3. Lot of walking: including
    walking from train station to uni and home to train station. I sold my car.
    Diet: 1. Green tea: 4 times a day. 2. Green fruits and veggies. 3. Light
    foods including Fish. Hope this may help other people.
