Tuesday, 19 November 2013

How to Fix Depression

How to Fix Depression
A short video to explain the concepts covered in my new book of the same name which can be found at www.nutrition-vs-depression.com.

Why am I so Bummed out? I can't get motivated! I don't care anymore! Sound familiar? Sometimes we need to regain control through hard work and commitment. Ot...


  1. Sounds like sour grapes mate. I think you are taking a pop at me simply
    because I commented that your so-called "Fossil faces" were just
    mirror-imaged rocks? I am posting factual information to help people, not
    waste time with hoaxes, and by comparison my hit rate of 52 in 2-1/2 months
    is ok compared to the 111 in 2 years yours got. Sorry if you are bored. I
    hope you never get depression. If you heed the information in my videos you
    might not. If my work helps even one person that is great.

  2. must be depressing to make videos no one watches...yawn
