Tuesday, 19 November 2013

how to fix christmas light bulbs(4)

how to fix christmas light bulbs(4)
christmas lights.

How To Fix Christmas Tree Lights - Free and Easy
How to fix your christmas tree lights for free! Subscribe! Have a great Christmas.
Video Rating: 3 / 5


  1. and that how u do it!!

  2. You 26 people who gave this video a thumbs up--SERIOUSLY??!!!

  3. It also helps if you can stand with your lower legs submerged in a bucket
    of warm water, and, to save some time, don't bother unplugging the tree -
    especially when in a hurry.

  4. why is this on you tube

  5. Make sure your homeowners insurance is paid up. And if you, Dillonmotofix,
    ever have a fuse blow in your car, use that aluminum foil to fix that as
    well, and for everyone else do not do any of this, unless you want a
    serious fire!!!

  6. You're just asking for a fire.

  7. This seems very unsafe......

  8. will this start a fire?

  9. Lol lol... he almost electrocuted himself

  10. Your very welcome.

  11. thanks alot it worked for me you Got a SUB

  12. ok mine are all out, how do i know which ones are bad? they are colored!
    when they are clear its easy to see the burnt parts but not in colored
    bulbs. help.

  13. OMG ..... Not smart dude..... Do your parents know that you are trying to
    burn their house down?

  14. Sol - (The Future)20 November 2013 at 00:02

    Whats the risk of someone electrocuting themselves, or starting a fire?

  15. Thanks! Very helpful!

  16. Dude I am a licensed electrician.... THIS IS HOW FIRES START!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Dillon, you forgot the part where it takes a half hour to find out which
    bulb is broken.

  18. Buy a light ball

  19. If that is the socket/bulb that is bad (which you failed to explain how you
    found/figured that out), then why not just replace the bulb with a
    replacement/good bulb. Oh, you didn't have a replacement bulb? Another
    stupid idea!!!!!!!

  20. yes it can start a fire dont do it i know cause i deal with this stuff the
    easy way to find out which one is broken or burn out get the light keeper
    pro from walmart or home depot or lowes its about 20 bucks safe and easy
    way to fix strands but whatever u do dont do what this guy can do it can
    start a fire easy and once its starts your christmas is ruin basically

  21. Do NOT in any circumstances fix your lights this way, 1st its unsafe and
    2nd the lkights are designed to work with ALL the bulbs fitted. If you
    remove 1 and short it out, the remainder of the bulbs will glow brighter
    and will start to blow again as they run too hot! Always replace the faulty
    bulb with a exact replacement size and voltage. There are very simple ways
    of finding out which bulb is broken without unplugging them, Ifd I get
    chance I will upload a video to show I will

  22. Holy bracelet...

  23. Next video how to put out a Christmas tree fire

  24. He also forgot to tell everyone to insert the screw driver into the socket
    and plug the tree back in to test for power!!!
